Get your freedom and mobility back.
Do you have a joint or group of joints that don’t move as they should? We have the tools that can improve your range of motion and get you going again.
Functional Range Conditioning (FRC)
Functional Range Conditioning, or FRC, focuses on mobility and joint control training. Mobility is the ability to control your flexibility or the usable range of motion at a specific joint. When a joint or group of joints doesn’t move properly, the load you place on it during daily activity can damage tissues or structures in that area. When a joint has a more usable range of motion, it can absorb more load. This helps mitigate the occurrence and severity of injuries. For example, if your ankle is strong in the entire range of motion and you roll it while running, it can decrease how long you are out with an injury.
At your initial assessment, we want to understand what pains or issues you have. Once we know that, we will look at the joints in the complaint area to determine how well the joints move. Based on the assessment, we progress through exercises targeted to your specific limitations in range of motion as well as increasing strength of the joints and tissues.
Functional Range Release (FRR)
Functional Range Release (FRR) is a system focused on the assessment of the joints and tissues around the joints involved in your complaint. The areas that are not moving well are targeted with soft tissue treatment. Soft tissue treatment involves hands-on pressure to a specific muscle or joint. After the treatment, exercises are integrated to target the specific tissues and joints that were worked on during the session. The carryover of this into the rehab is primarily through the Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) system, but also with traditional strengthening exercises.
Postural Restoration Institute (PRI)
The Postural Restoration Institute (PRI) method focuses on breathing and biomechanics to target asymmetries in the body, specifically with the pelvis, rib cage, and diaphragm. The assessment will determine what needs your body has and how you compensate for certain asymmetries. Exercises are then given to address those and once you are ready, they are then integrated into traditional strengthening exercises.
Kettlebell Training
A kettlebell is a unique tool with many uses in exercise. We use specific progressions taught by Pavel Tsatsouline who popularized kettlebells in the United States. Depending on your personal goals, and goals of our treatment, kettlebells are a great tool to achieve many outcomes including strength and endurance. Some common kettlebell exercises include swings, goblet squats, cleans, snatches, overhead press, and Turkish get-ups.